When you have two daughters in a house, that’s what happen – CAT FIGHT. Seriously.
Okay okay, that’s not entirely true. We love each other very much, to the extend of feeding each other with super-duper-creamy-sweet-full-fat donuts every day. Can you see how much we care for each other now?
We have been cracking our brain for a blog title. Trust me, you wouldn’t want to know the all the lame titles that we have thought of. And then, we come up with the idea of choco and coffee, since Serene practically live on coffee everyday and
A mass communication scholar **proud**…a possibly advertising person/journalist/producer/PR/etc wannabe! I love to eat, I love facebooking, I love sleeping, I love watching movies, I love making my sister’s life a hell…hahaha…and I love being a girl
I just got my SPM results, and am slacking in the house every single day. Soon, I will be stepping my foot into college, pursuing my career as a doctor. It is not an easy path, but I will hold on to what i want!!
Here, we will be sharing bits and pieces of our life, things we love and despite. We might not be a great writer, hopefully you can give us a suggestion as for improvement!!
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